JAYBAL Winter Workout Sessions

Get ready for the 2025 season with our winter workout sessions for travel baseball players. Players can register for the session(s) that fit their schedules. If you have questions please send an email to board@jaybal.com


Block 2: Feb-March registration is now live!


Legion workouts are for players ages 15-19 (birthdates 5/1/2005 to 4/30/2010).

Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth workouts are for players ages 9-14 (birthdates 5/1/2010 to 4/30/2016).


$60 per player per session


TRAC Bubble

Player Equipment and Attire Requirements

Players should come prepared with the following items for each session:

  • Equipment: Helmet, bat, glove, and water bottle.
  • Clothing: A baseball hat and either shorts or pants are fine.
  • Shoes: Athlete shoes, no cleats.


Coach Sam Joseph will lead the Legion sessions and Coach Michael Smith will lead the Cal Ripken / Babe Ruth sessions.


Session days and times are listed with each registration.

Winter Training Schedule

Players may sign up for one session per night and can choose to register for one or two nights per week, based on their appropriate age group. To provide flexibility the winter program is divided into two 5-week blocks. 

Each session is a separate registration to allow for flexibility.

**You will need to register for each session individually!**

Legion Block 2: February 12th through March 16th

Sun Session 5: 6:00-7:15 pm 

Sun Session 6: 7:15-8:30 pm  

Wed Session 7: 7:15-8:30 pm  

Block 2: registration is live!

Note: Sun Feb 16th both Sunday groups will go from 7:00-8:30pm at the UJ Bubble. TRAC scheduled a tennis tournament so we are unable to use the TRAC Bubble that weekend.

Cal Ripken / Babe Ruth Block 2: February 11th through March 13th

Tue Session 5: 6:00-7:15 pm 

Tue Session 6: 7:15-8:30 pm 

Thu Session 7: 6:00-7:15 pm 

Thu Session 8: 7:15-8:30 pm 

Block 2: registration is live!

We are excited to share JAYBAL’s upcoming winter development opportunities in the TRAC Bubble for our travel ball players, from 9-year-olds to Legion athletes. 

Due to increased demand for Pickleball courts, TRAC will be reallocating one of the turf sections we’ve traditionally used for our winter workouts. As a result, we’ll have access to only half the turf space compared to previous winters. To ensure quality practice time in the smaller space, we must limit the number of players per session.

While this may seem like a drawback, it aligns with a positive change we had already planned to implement: reducing the number of players per session to improve the coach-to-player ratio. This adjustment will allow for more reps, individualized feedback, and a better overall experience for each player.

We have always worked hard to keep program costs as low as possible. In the past, we relied on volunteer coaches to run these winter sessions. However, this year we’ve made the decision to allocate funds toward compensating coaches for their time. While we are fortunate to have several great coaches who generously volunteer, we believe it’s best to not rely solely on volunteers to run these programs moving forward.

JAYBAL has historically covered the majority of the costs for winter workout sessions through our general fund. However, with rising expenses across all areas of our programming, we need to ensure we’re bringing in enough funds from winter registration to cover rental and coaching costs while maintaining a balanced overall budget. 

TRAC has been generous in accommodating JAYBAL sessions four nights a week this winter. While we recognize that these days and times may not align with everyone’s schedules, we worked closely with TRAC to select options that allow most of our athletes to attend around their other winter activities.

We believe these adjustments will enhance the quality of our winter development program, providing a positive and productive experience for all participants.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to another great season of growth and success!

Michael Smith 

JAYBAL Director of Coaching

Legion Session 5

February 16th through March 16th


Legion Session 6

February 16th through March 16th


Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth Session 5

February 11th through March 11th


Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth Session 6

February 11th through March 11th


Legion Session 7

February 12th through March 12th


Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth Session 7

February 13th through March 13th


Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth Session 8

February 13th through March 13th

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